Humane Society International / Mexico

Hurricane Otis in Mexico

MEXICO CITY, Mexico—Today, leading animal protection organization Humane Society International launched a nationwide petition urging newly elected legislators to protect animals in Mexico’s supreme law, the Constitution. The earlier constitutional initiative by President Andres Manuel López Obrador, set to include specific provisions in art. 3, 4 and 73 of the Constitution to ban animal abuse, grant Congress powers to legislate on animal welfare and establish animal protection as a mandatory education guideline, was effectively paused by the 2024 election season. Now, Humane Society International is rallying the public to revive this crucial constitutional amendment against animal cruelty under the new government. 

Millions of dogs and cats roam the streets of major Mexican cities, suffering from cruelty, abandonment, disease and neglect. Mexico is home to billions of animals kept and killed for food, who are confined to cages or crates for months at a time, preventing them from extending their limbs or even walking, and forced to suffer in live transport and inhumane slaughter. As one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, Mexico is also a major source and distribution hub of wildlife for illicit trade; half of the wildlife trafficking seizures at US entry points originate from Mexico, which also supplies illegal markets in Europe and Asia. 

Anton Aguilar, HSI Mexico Executive Director, said: “Federal constitution-level safeguards would set a major legal precedent to prioritize animal protection in public policies, foster humane education and phase out cruel fiestas. It would reflect how social attitudes in Mexico have shifted away from cruelty and neglect towards a deep and genuine concern for animal welfare. We call on the incoming legislature, which will take office in September, to swiftly pass this consequential bill to turn Mexico into a leading example of animal protection legislation.”  

Animal protection in Mexico has emerged as a significant political focus. This commitment was solidified in 2017 when Mexico City’s constitution recognized animals as sentient beings. Most Mexican states have enacted animal protection laws, incorporating penalties for abuse into their penal codes. Bullfighting has been banned in five states, dogfighting has been criminalized nationwide, and animal testing for cosmetics was prohibited in 2021.  Moreover, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s emphasis on animal protection during the presidential debate and her party’s majority position signal a promising path for a constitutional amendment securing animal protection.  

Sign the petition urging the new legislature to grant constitutional protection to animals.  


Media contact: Magaly Garibay, +52 5538762199,

Humane Society International / Mexico

Help make Mexico a world leader in animal welfare

Humane Society International and Grupo Bimbo's commitment to animal welfare and cage-free eggs: a collaborative journey

Humane Society International / Mexico

David Paul Morris

MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International congratulates Grupo Bimbo, a global leader in the food industry, for making meaningful progress toward its goal of a 100% cage-free egg supply chain by 2025. The company has also successfully influenced major producers to begin cage-free production in Mexico. For nearly a decade, Grupo Bimbo has actively collaborated with Humane Society International and other non-governmental organizations in Mexico to help facilitate their transition globally.

The market for cage-free eggs in Mexico is rapidly growing, accelerating the shift toward kinder, cage-free systems for raising hens and harvesting their eggs. Over 150 companies in Mexico have committed to stop using eggs from caged hens in their supply chains. This includes major manufacturers such as Grupo Bimbo, restaurants such as Toks and McDonald’s operator Arcos Dorados, hotel operators such as Karisma and Marriott, and many others. Where the market goes, the production follows: the volume of eggs required to fulfill these commitments requires a significant sector shift to cage-free production. Companies like Grupo Bimbo are leading the way by working directly with their suppliers to transition away from using cages to meet their pledge.

Cage-free systems typically offer hens higher levels of welfare by allowing more opportunities for expression of natural behavior such as ground scratching, pecking, dustbathing, nesting, perching and socializing, all of which are not possible in systems that house hens in cages. Hens are sentient, intelligent and sociable animals. Scientific studies have shown that they have a sense of time, can count, learn from their flock mates and anticipate the future, which in turn affects their decision-making. They experience positive emotional states and enjoy social activities.

Grupo Bimbo states, “It is important to note that we have carried out this process (achieving a 17% progress in our global target) with the support of our allies and various civil society organizations that are experts in the field, including Humane Society International, who have provided us with information and recommendations.”

Arianna Torres, senior program manager at HSI, said: “The collaborative journey between Grupo Bimbo and HSI underscores the transformative impact that collective efforts can have on shaping a more humane future. HSI has been working with Grupo Bimbo since the beginning, providing trainings to their staff, supporting road map development, bringing companies together to share lessons learned, and helping find suppliers that are willing to transition away from cages globally and throughout Mexico. Grupo Bimbo is demonstrating that companies of all sizes can make significant positive changes for animals.”

Humane Society International is facilitating a successful transition to higher welfare, cage and crate free housing for farmed animals around the world, by working with corporate buyers, producers and financial institutions.


Media Contact: Erica Heffner:

Humane Society International and Alianza Alimentaria hosted a webinar to guide companies towards their cage-free future.

Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International and Alianza Alimentaria held their “Successful Transition to a Cage-Free Egg Supply Chain” webinar which drew ian audience of 76 attendees from the hospitality and food industry. Experts in animal welfare and biosecurity, alongside industry leaders like Karismawhich has successfully transitioned to a 100% cage-free egg supply chainand producers such as Ovolab, Kaki, and Chak Hé, whose representatives shared best practices and success stories concerning the shift to a cage-free egg supply chain.  

The webinar focused on the challenges of transitioning to a cage-free supply chain, strategies for seamless implementation and management, the profound impact of transition on animal welfare and sustainability, and lessons gleaned from pioneering companies that have successfully embraced this shift. 

“Events like these are a clear example of Sustainable Development Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals, where diverse stakeholders have come together to exchange knowledge and experiences of objectives that we share.”, says Angelica Vega, food policy manager for Alianza Alimentaria y Acción Climática

Arianna Torres, senior program manager for corporate policy and farm animals at HSI/Mexico, says: “Across the world, trends in the hospitality and food industry sector indicate a clear trajectory towards a cage-free future for eggs. Our webinar encourages producers and companies in Latin America to set ambitious cage-free targets with the confidence that compassionate sourcing is a practical choice for consumers, corporations, producers and animals. Encouraging better treatment of animals in the supply chain is a shared responsibility and we will push for more companies to consider following suit.” 

Humane Society International’s work to improve the welfare of animals in agriculture is both science-based and collaborative. The organization works with companies, farmers, processors, scientists and certifiers to support a transition to cage-free housing systems, and offers a wide range of support to companies including farm visits, consumer education and corporate roundtables and workshops to enhance their supply chains. 


Media contact: Laura Bravo,

The course, led by HSI/Mexico, aims to empower and educate first responders and other authorities on animal welfare in cases of cruelty and disaster

Humane Society International / Mexico


TEPIC, Nayarit—This week, Humane Society International/Mexico conducted a training aimed at strengthening Nayarit’s response to animal cruelty and disaster situations. The event brought together 75 participants from a diverse group, including personnel from 911 emergency services, public prosecutors, municipal and state police, civil protection and firefighters and members of the Nayarit State Commission for the Protection of Fauna.

The comprehensive training covered a spectrum of crucial topics, including receiving reports of animal abuse and how to triage, assessing animal welfare based on the scientific model of the five domains, combatting dogfighting and including pets in disaster prevention plans.

“We want to take this opportunity to extend our congratulations to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Nayarit for the recent establishment of the Specialized Public Prosecutor’s Office for Domestic Animal Abuse Crimes,” said Claudia Edwards, program manager at Humane Society International/Mexico. “We’re grateful to see the prosecutor’s office prioritizing the safety and welfare of animals.”

A small evacuation drill was also carried out by the attendees with the guidance of civil protection and state firefighters.


Humane Society International / Mexico

Osvaldo Olguin/HSI

MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International/ Mexico is pleased to announce its participation in the traditional Dia de Muertos Ofrendas at Casa Fuerte del Indio Fernández in Coyoacán. This year’s beautiful and heartfelt ofrenda will be dedicated to all animals, with a special remembrance for those who departed and who have left their mark, including beloved animals like Benito (Scooby), Maple who inspired a law, Stich, Frida the beloved search and rescue dog, and all the animals we work for in the different HSI programs.

Dia de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a cherished Mexican tradition that celebrates and honors the lives of loved ones who have passed. HSI/Mexico recognizes the importance of extending this tradition to include the remembrance of animals, who are often cherished members of our families and communities.

The traditional ofrendas take place every year at the museum and cultural house “Casa Fuerte del Indio Fernández”. This iconic house belonging to the famous Mexican gold film actor Emilio “El Indio Fernandez” who also posed for the renowned Oscar statuette.  This year the visitors will be able to pay their respects, reflect on the important role animals play in our lives, and learn about HSI/Mexico’s dedication to animal welfare. This ofrenda dedicated to them is displayed in one of the stables whose centerpiece is a beautiful mural by Diego Rivera.

In addition to this meaningful tribute, the ofrenda will feature a special culinary aspect. The dishes served will be plant-based, highlighting HSI/Mexico’s commitment to promoting a more compassionate and sustainable approach to food. This aligns with our belief that all animals, including farm animals, deserve to live free from suffering.

“On these dates we remember our loved ones and with this Ofrenda we have the opportunity to remember the animals who have shared their lives with us. It is a time to raise awareness about those who were not fortunate enough to be part of a loving family but who deserve the same love and the same respect. Let’s raise our voices for those who don’t experience compassion, and for those who never had the opportunity to live free,” said Pamela Resendiz, HSI/Mexico food and nutrition manager.

The Dia de Muertos ofrenda at Casa Fuerte del Indio Fernández will provide a space for people to come together, remember their animal companions, and consider the positive impact they can make for animals in need. HSI/Mexico invites everyone to join us in celebrating the lives of animals and to explore the meaningful work we do to protect and advocate for them, you can visit it from Oct 20th to Nov 20th at Ignacio Zaragoza 51, Santa Catarina, Coyoacán, Mexico City.


Media contact: Magaly Garibay and Laura Bravo

Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY—Last month, experts in animal cruelty prevention and response from Humane Society International trained officials with the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection, the Animal Surveillance Brigade, the Mexico City Environmental Attorney’s Office, Quintana Roo, Aguascalientes, and the federal and local Attorney General of Justice, among others. The trainings included topics from the principles of forensics to the search, identification, collection and preservation of evidence.

In recent months, extreme cases of animal cruelty in Mexico are trending upward, with animals killed, tortured and sexually abused by not only adults, but by children and adolescents as well. Cases like these must be treated with the greatest scientific rigor to be investigated and thus, to be able to achieve adequate sentences for the abusers.

“Eliminating violence against animals is integral to creating safer communities,” said Felipe Márquez Muñoz, animal cruelty program manager at Humane Society International/Mexico. “We hope these trainings will encourage more people to report cases of animal cruelty.”

“These types of workshops allow authorities to practice in controlled environments, based on real-world situations to hone their skills and better respond to the terrible cases of cruelty that happen every day,” said Claudia Edwards, program director at HSI/Mexico.

These trainings were in coordination with the Institute of Biodiversity and Protected Natural Areas of the State of Quintana Roo, the Animal Surveillance Brigade and the Mexican Association of Forensic Veterinarians; a total of 136 people attended the trainings across four cities in Mexico.


Media contact: Magaly Garibay: (+52 55) 5211 873, ext. 104; mgaribay@idee.agencia  

Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY—This month, experts in animal cruelty prevention and response from Humane Society International trained officials, veterinarians and non-profit organizations in Mexico City, Yucatán, Aguascalientes and Quintana Roo. The trainings included topics from shelter management to animal handling and forensic investigations of animal abuse.

The Mexican public is strongly against animal cruelty. According to Parametria, a national polling agency, 95% of Mexicans believe animal abusers should be punished. All Mexican states—except one—penalize animal cruelty in their state criminal codes and Mexico City recognizes animals as “sentient beings” in their constitution.

These trainings arose as part of an agreement with the Citizen Security Secretariat in Mexico City, as well as this year’s renewal of cooperation agreements with authorities in Quintana Roo and Aguascalientes and the preparation of a new agreement in Yucatan. In the context of cruelty cases that have raised the visibility of animal abuse nationwide, these trainings provided skills and tools to officials responsible for responding to cruelty complaints.

The Mexican Association of Forensic Veterinary Medicine, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Mexico City Environment Attorney, the Mexico City Police, the Aguascalientes State Attorney for Environmental Protection, the Institute of Biodiversity of Quintana Roo, and the Merida City Council, among others, participated in the training. HSI/Mexico has agreements in place with most of these entities to support anti-cruelty efforts through trainings and assist with large scale animal abuse cases.

“Mexicans care deeply for their animals and we’re pleased to see enthusiasm from officials to gain new skills to investigate and intervene in instances of animal cruelty,” said Felipe Márquez Muñoz, program manager of animal cruelty for Humane Society International/Mexico.

Speakers in the trainings included local and international experts such as Grettel Delgadillo, deputy director for HSI/Latin America and program manager of wildlife at HSI/Latin America; Alba Michelle González, forensic veterinarian; Janette Reever, program manager of animal crimes investigations for HSI, and Shalimar Oliver, case manager for animal crimes for HSI. A total of 298 officials and people from NGOs were trained in this series; in addition, due to the demand and interests of other states of the Mexican Republic, one training was transmitted by the video conferencing channel of the Veterinary Faculty of Mexico´s Nacional Autonomous University reaching 780 replays.


Media Contact: Magaly Garibay: (+52 55) 5211 873, ext. 104; mgaribay@idee.agencia  

Humane Society International / Mexico

Meredith Lee/HSI

AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico―The first survey of dogs and cats in Mexico, implemented in the city of Aguascalientes and developed by the animal welfare organization Humane Society International/Mexico, reveals the need for more accessible and affordable sterilization services. Only 32% of the city’s roughly 310,000 dogs and 40% of 77,000 cats have been sterilized, raising the chances of unwanted puppies and kittens being abandoned on the streets.

Felipe Márquez, HSI/Mexico Animal Cruelty Program Manager, said: “This survey of cats and dogs, the first of its kind in the state of Aguascalientes, will help local stakeholders better understand the issues facing animals, as well as solutions to improve welfare and help both animals and communities”.

The survey also revealed a clear pet-gift culture in the city, with many respondents indicating that they had given or received a pet as a gift. Giving away pets can result in unwanted animals being turned over to animal control centers and shelters, and perhaps not surprisingly, the survey also found that dogs from low-income and rural communities were more likely to be turned over to local animal control facilities, which have an estimated 90% euthanasia rate.

Claudia Edwards, Director of Campaigns for Humane Society International/Mexico, said: “Based on the results of our survey, we can better target our community education efforts to help people understand the care and basic needs of cats and dogs, and to guide initiatives that can increase the percentage of pets receiving veterinary care. It is clear that affordable and accessible veterinary services are needed to help keep pets healthy and in their homes.”

The survey in Aguascalientes was conducted by a team of HSI/Mexico specialists trained in monitoring, evaluation and impact analysis, and was conducted using HSI’s specially developed mobile phone app to accurately record the location of each dog and cat and calculate the total number of animals roaming the streets.

Given the considerable population of dogs and cats in Aguascalientes, interventions must effectively target populations of animals most at risk of being turned over to shelters or animal control centers, abandoned, or that may contribute to the birth of unwanted litters.

Download a Summary of the Report


Media contact: Magaly Garibay:(+52 55) 5211 8731ext. 104; mgaribay@idee.agencia

Humane Society International signs agreement with state Biodiversity Institute

Humane Society International / Mexico

Darren Mower/istock

CANCUN, Mexico—Humane Society International, a leading animal welfare organization, signed an agreement with the Biodiversity Institute of Quintana Roo State in Mexico to enhance anti-cruelty training programs and capacity to respond to reports of animal cruelty.

Anton Aguilar, director of HSI/Mexico, said: “This agreement shows that Quintana Roo State authorities are prioritizing the fight against animal cruelty. They continue and expand on a series of programs that we are developing to work with local authorities in Mexico, to create a culture of respect and care towards animals. We thank Secretary of Ecology and Environment Josefina Hernández and Lourdes Souza, director of Biodiversity and Animal Welfare at IBANQROO, for their commitment to animal care.”

Collaboration with the Biodiversity Institute of Quintana Roo will include trainings on animal welfare legislation, animal behavior, response to animal cruelty cases, and preparedness and response to natural disasters, particularly hurricanes, which are frequent in the area. HSI/Mexico also participates in the Animal Welfare Council of Quintana Roo, which is in charge of helping strengthen animal protection policies across the state.


Media contact: Anton Aguilar:

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