Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY, Mexico—Humane Society International/ Mexico, a world-leading animal protection organization, congratulates the Congress of Mexico City for approving reforms to the Penal Code for the Federal District, the Animal Protection Law and the Civic Culture Law of Mexico City to deter and end the abandonment, mutilation for aesthetic reasons, mistreatment, poisoning, kidnapping, consumption of, and cruelty to, companion animals, in addition to the operation of illicit slaughterhouses and the use of an animal for sexual purposes.

The penalties for such animal cruelty have been increased to between one and six years in prison. In cases of serious animal suffering, the penalties can be increased up to 10 years in prison. Previously, the penalties were between six months and four years in prison. Financial fines have also been increased.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, veterinary and program director for HSI/Mexico, said: “This is a milestone moment for animal protection in Mexico City that legislators have decided to increase penalties against the abandonment, poisoning, mistreatment, consumption of and cruelty to companion animals. Bigger fines and longer jail time is a welcome deterrent against animal abuse. The reforms comply with the provisions of article 13, section b of the political Constitution of Mexico City, and recognize animals as sentient beings. As such, it is the legal obligation of every citizen to respect the life and integrity of animals. However, HSI/Mexico regrets that these reforms do not yet include the dogfighting industry which is responsible for terrible animal cruelty and which has been discussed without action for some years in Mexico City. We urge legislators to expand the scope of these revisions to help stop the abuse experienced by dogs used for fighting.”


Media contact: Magaly Garibay: 55 5407 0502,

Humane Society International / Mexico

Meredith Lee/HSI

MEXICO CITY—Humane Society International/Mexico congratulated the LXIV Legislature of the Tlaxcala State Congress members for recognizing and punishing animal abuse as a crime unanimously.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, programs director for HSI/Mexico, said: “We applaud the decision of legislators to combat and punish animal cruelty—in dog fighting in particular—complying with the provisions of article 87 bis 2 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection.”

This reform to the Penal Code was presented last year by congresswoman Maribel León Cruz and was supported by different animal protection organizations, including Animal Rescue-Legal Defense Tlaxcala and HSI/Mexico, and several local individuals interested in animal welfare. With this decision, Chiapas is now the only federal state without penalties for animal abuse in its state criminal code.

HSI/Mexico has worked with various civil organizations for animal protection and with authorities in various states to assist in legislation to combat and eradicate all forms of animal cruelty.


Media contact: Magaly Garibay: 55 5407 0502;

Humane Society International / Mexico

Aguascalientes, MEXICOHumane Society International/Mexico provided relief to animals after a fuel tanker crash sparked a huge blaze in Aguascalientes, Mexico, on Wednesday, Oct. 26. The accident produced a giant fuel fire engulfing dozens of homes and sparking the evacuation of 1,500 people. Although thankfully no human lives were lost in the explosion, sadly 22 animals were killed by the fire and more than 100 more were impacted by the emergency. 

HSI/Mexico’s team on the ground coordinated with local authorities to facilitate access to rescue pets whose owners had been evacuated to the emergency shelters, and to reunite them with their families. In addition, HSI/Mexico provided pet food, cages, dishes and other essentials so that animals were properly cared for. The organization also coordinated the help of the local veterinary association, other animal protection groups and government officials.  

Over 100 pets were affected by the emergency, including 55 dogs, nine cats, 31 birds, one rabbit and 15 fish. Nearly 20 animals are currently being held in temporary shelters, while the rest have been reunited with their families.  

Felipe Márquez, HSI/Mexico’s animal cruelty program manager, said: “It is heartbreaking to see people and animals suffering in a disaster such as this. These animals play a crucial role in the lives of the people affected by the explosion, who consider them members of their family. Safely reuniting people and pets at a time like this brings all concerned immense emotional comfort, so we are grateful to the Aguascalientes authorities for including animal protection in their disaster response and for coordinating with animal protection groups such as HSI/Mexico. The help we are able to provide is making the difference in a very dire situation for the people and animals affected by this terrible accident.” 

HSI responds to disasters around the world to assist animals and communities in need. For example, in 2018, HSI stepped in to provide emergency treatment to dogs, cats, chickens, horses and other animals affected by the Volcan de Fuego eruptions in Guatemala, and in 2017 HSI helped more than 6,200 animals affected by deadly earthquakes in Mexico. Most recently, members of HSI/Mexico were deployed to Poland and Romania to assist HSI’s local team in helping refugees with pets who had escaped the war in Ukraine. 

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U.S media contact: Melissa Smith: 2313607676,

Humane Society International is supporting RIU Hotels to reach animal welfare commitment by 2025

Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY, Mexico—RIU Hotels Group, with 100 locations in over 20 countries, announced its commitment to implement a fully cage-free procurement policy for all types of eggs utilized by its hotels around the globe by the end of 2025.

The hotel group has been working with Humane Society International/Mexico since 2021 to begin this supply chain transition, supporting egg producers who have made the change to higher animal welfare systems and cage-free living for thousands of hens.

The cage-free systems provide the laying hens with space to walk and develop their natural behavior. In caged systems, the laying hens do have not enough space to walk, nest or perform other fundamental behaviors. RIU Hotels has been committed to sustainability and animal welfare initiatives throughout its global operations. This commitment represents an important step in fulfilling its path as a socially responsible company.

“Within the framework of our Animal Welfare Policy, we commit that 100% of the eggs consumed in all our hotels and in all our products come from cage-free birds by the end of 2025. We will not accept breeding systems combined. This transition will be gradual, and we will work hand in hand with expert organizations in the field, as well as local suppliers and producers to achieve it. We will publicly report our progress toward full compliance with this commitment on our website or other means annually, said RIU Hotels Group”

“HSI congratulates RIU Hotels for its commitment to farm animal welfare and for taking steps to implement better conditions for hundreds of thousands of laying hens worldwide. We commend RIU for taking action to ensure that this important commitment will be met and are excited to collaborate further in Mexico and beyond,” says Arianna Torres, corporate relations, and public policy manager at HSI/Mexico.

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Media contact: Laura Bravo:

Humane Society International / Mexico

Claudia Edwards

MEXICO CITY—To provide tools to adequately respond to reports of animal abuse as well as in cases of emergencies and disasters, Humane Society International/Mexico conducted a training session for members of the Animal Vigilance Brigade within the collaboration agreement signed with the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City.

This activity was carried out jointly by Centro de Capacitación, Adiestramiento y Desarrollo en Emergencias and Humane Society International/Mexico, a leading international animal protection organization, on October 20 and 21.

Dr. Claudia Edwards, program director of HSI/Mexico, said: “Working together with diverse agencies allows us to strengthen the capacity to protect companion animals, who are a fundamental part of our lives. Activities such as this one improves the officers’ ability to respond in cases of mistreated and injured animals that they attend every day and thus they know how to act in the best possible way to safeguard them.”

The event was aimed at 24 members of the Animal Vigilance Brigade, who received national and international certifications from CECAD. The activity covered theoretical and practical topics such as the most common emergencies, how to perform CPR on dogs and cats, oxygen therapy, how to place splints and muzzles, and disaster response plans for animals and people, among others.

HSI makes various efforts to strengthen the culture of prevention and the capacity to respond to cases of cruelty to animals and emergencies and disasters involving animals. The organization has trained several elements of various agencies in cities such as Chetumal, Merida, Monterrey, Tlaxcala, Aguascalientes and Mexico City.


Media contact: Claudia Edwards, campaign director HSI/Mexico: ; 5513805569

Humane Society International


Watch these webinars to learn about the market opportunities and scientific basis behind cage-free egg production according to experts in the field and cage-free producers in Latin America.

Part 1

Part 2

The organization, along with independent rescuers and local and state government, will conduct two types of surveys in the streets of Aguascalientes

Humane Society International / Mexico

HSI Global

AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico—Mexico’s first ever dog and cat survey will be conducted in the city of Aguascalientes, coordinated by animal protection organization Humane Society International/Mexico, A.C.

Starting August 15, a team of volunteers from local associations, independent rescuers, university students and state and municipal authorities will conduct a count of free-roaming dogs in the Aguascalientes area and surrounding communities. The census will also include house-to-house surveys. The data gathered will provide evidence-based insights to help stakeholders better understand cultural attitudes and behaviors toward both dogs and cats in Aguascalientes. The focus is to better support the needs of both the animal and human inhabitants of the area and promote harmonious interaction and coexistence.

“This is an effort that is unprecedented in all of Mexico. Having accurate dog and cat population counts and understanding the attitude and behavior of dog and cat owners is essential so that the authorities, academia, organizations and citizens can design and agree on impact-driven projects that improve the lives of animals and people alike,” said Felipe Márquez, animal cruelty program manager of Humane Society International/México, A.C.

As the population of owned and free-roaming dogs and cats increases, resources can become scarce, increasing the number of dogs and cats who do not get their needs met in terms of food, nutrition or veterinary care. This can result in poor health and welfare and increase the risk that these animals may carry diseases that could impact other animals and people. The innovative assessment, monitoring and evaluation component of HSI’s work is based on the One Health concept, which recognizes that human health, animal health and environmental health are interdependent.

The household surveys will be conducted according to a specially designed methodology and are completely voluntary, with no personal data collected.

The participation of the community is welcomed and appreciated as teams will be randomly surveying households in various neighborhoods. For more information, or to help, contact Felipe Marquez at


Media contact: Magaly Garibay:(+52 55) 5211 8731ext. 104, mgaribay@idee.agencia

National and international experts share knowledge and experience with officials; HSI visited three states to offer animal welfare workshops

Humane Society International / Mexico


MEXICO CITY—In recent days, a team of disaster and animal cruelty response experts from Humane Society International presented and hosted workshops covering animal welfare issues for federal and local authorities and nonprofit organizations from Mexico City, Tlaxcala, Pachuca, Estado de México, Yucatan and Aguascalientes.

The presentations were coordinated with officials in the three host states (Mexico City, Yucatan and Aguascalientes), and the participants include the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), the National Civil Protection Coordination (CNPC), the Mexico City Environmental and Territorial Planning Attorney’s Office of Mexico City (PAOT), Animal Surveillance Brigade of Mexico City (BVA), State Attorney General of Justice, Animal Care Agency of Mexico City (AGATAN), Alcaldia BJ, the State Environmental Protection Attorney’s Office (PROESPA) in Aguascalientes, and the Merida City Council, among others. They had numerous participants from the emergency forces, authorities in charge of investigating and prosecuting cases of animal cruelty, as well as NGOs of four states.

As part of the disaster training, the HSI team from Mexico and Latin America took a fire response training given by the Aguascalientes State Fire Department, which will help develop protocols that include animals in different emergencies. “We are pleased with the interest of the officials in obtaining tools and skills to carry out their work in the best possible way, this series of trainings were possible thanks to the support and alliances that Humane Society International/Mexico has forged in these States,” said Felipe Márquez Muñoz, animal cruelty program manager at Humane Society International/Mexico.

Sofia Herra, companion animal and animal cruelty program manager for HSI/Latin America, Claudia Edwards, director of animal cruelty programs for HSI/Mexico, and Felipe Márquez were joined by colleagues from HSI’s global team for the training programs. Janette Reever, program manager of animal cruelty investigations and Adam Parascandola, vice president of HSI’s Animal Rescue Team, traveled from the U.S. to participate.  Parascandola, Edwards and Márquez were recently in Eastern Europe where they and the organization’s team in Europe provided assistance and aid to refugees from Ukraine who fled the war with their pets.  Together they covered topics such as aiding animals during and after disasters and community involvement with abandoned animals and animal welfare.

“Thanks to this joint effort between HSI and different authorities, the day-to-day work carried out by the entities in charge of rescuing and promoting the welfare of animals in Mexico City, Tlaxcala, Pachuca, Estado de México. Yucatán and Aguascalientes can be strengthened,” said Felipe Márquez.


Media contact: Magaly Garibay: mgaribay@idee.agencia ; (+52 55) 5211 873, ext. 104

The dogs will receive veterinary care before being placed for adoption

Humane Society International / Mexico

Meredith Lee/HSI

AGUASCALIENTES, Mexico—Twenty-three dogs have been rescued from a house in Aguascalientes, Mexico, in what rescuers describe as some of the most squalid and filthy conditions they have ever witnessed. The State Attorney for Environmental Protection (PROESPA), teamed up with Humane Society International/México and Amigos Pro Animal to seize the desperate animals after receiving a report of serious animal cruelty and neglect. On entering the house, the dogs were found living in tiny enclosures without food or water, many of them emaciated, and the floor covered in feces.

Felipe Márquez Muñoz, animal cruelty program manager at Humane Society International/México, who was one of the responders on the scene, said: “These dogs had been left to fend for themselves in absolutely squalid conditions, some of the worst I have ever seen. Their paws were red and sore from standing in their own feces, many of the animals were emaciated and dangerously dehydrated. When we arrived, they were extremely excited to see us and desperate for attention. If we had not intervened, I dread to think what would have happened to them. Now they are getting the care they so desperately need and will have a chance to be adopted into loving families.”

The report that alerted PROESPA to this case is one of hundreds received by the agency. Records up to October 2021 show that 65% of the 1,500 reports the agency received pertained to animal abuse.

The dogs’ owner voluntarily surrendered the dogs to the authorities, and they were immediately transferred to a temporary shelter funded by HSI/México and set up specifically for the case, where they are receiving urgent veterinary treatment and behavioral assessment so that once they are recovered they can be put up for adoption. Amigos Pro Animal in association with HSI/México, holds weekly adoption events and activities in Aguascalientes to find homes for neglected, abandoned and abused animals.

Download photos and video of the rescue.


Media contact on behalf of Humane Society International/México: Magaly Garibay: (+52 55) 5211 8731, ext. 104; mgaribay@idee.agencia

Humane Society International/Mexico welcomes ban

Humane Society International / Mexico

ANNECORDON/ A bull in the wild.

MEXICO CITY – Humane Society International/Mexico applauds the Congress of Sinaloa for unanimously approving an initiative that bans bullfighting in the state, classifying it as animal cruelty.

Sinaloa now becomes the fifth state in Mexico to ban bullfighting after Sonora, Guerrero, Coahuila and Quintana Roo. The ban will see an end to the annual bullfights in Mazatlán city, the only town in Sinaloa to still hold bullfights. Bullfighting still takes place in 27 states, resulting in the killing of thousands of bulls each year despite considerable public opposition. According to a 2013 survey by leading Mexican polling agency Parametria, 73% of Mexicans support a nationwide ban on bullfighting.

Felipe Marquez, animal cruelty program manager for HSI/Mexico, said: “This is an important reform in Mexico because it reflects the views and sentiments of the majority of Mexican citizens who believe that bullfighting should be banned. We cannot hope to tackle violence in our society if we still allow animals to be stabbed to death for our entertainment.”

The initiative states that bullfighting infringes the rights of Mexican society which is interested in the care of and respect for animals, as well as a healthy environment, recognized in Article 4 of the Constitution.

The Congress of Sinaloa expanded the scope of the Animal Welfare Law, the Environmental Law for Sustainable Development as well as the Penal Code, to include a ban on bullfighting, better protect wild animals and increase fines up to $1,000 US for acts of animal cruelty


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