Ending China’s dog and cat meat trade

Humane Society International

Dog meat trader's truck in China
Adam Parascandola/HSI

The dog and cat meat trade in China

Globally, an estimated 30 million dogs and 10 million cats are slaughtered annually for human consumption. Of these, approximately 10 million dogs and 4 million cats are killed each year in China alone. A significant portion of the dog and cat meat trade in China is linked to criminal activity, with many animals are stolen pets and strays taken from backyards and streets. The journey to slaughterhouses entails cramming these animals into wire cages and transporting them for hours or days, with many suffering from dehydration, injuries, suffocation and heatstroke, and some dying before arrival.

Despite these atrocities, eating dog and cat meat is not widespread in China. The majority of the population does not consume it, and of the 20% who do, many have only tried it once or twice in their lifetime. Dog meat consumption primarily occurs in three regions: South China, Central China and Northeast China, although dogs and cats are taken from all over the country for the trade.

Supporting Chinese animal groups

HSI partners with Vshine, a well-respected animal protection organization in North China. Vshine operates two shelters for dogs, cats and other animals, including those rescued from the meat trade. Through Vshine’s extensive network of partner groups and shelters, we amplify efforts to combat the dog and cat meat trade across multiple regions of China. Our strategy includes supporting Chinese animal protection groups that are campaigning, conducting public education and hands-on rescue operations, with the goal of bringing an end to the dog and cat meat trade.

Rescue efforts

For over a decade, HSI has supported the rescue of thousands of dogs and cats from the meat trade through our partnerships with Chinese activists, including Vshine. Chinese activists liaise with local police to pull over trucks illegally trafficking dogs and cats on their way to slaughter, and work with law enforcement when illegal dog slaughterhouses are discovered. These animals are largely illegally acquired and illegally transported across provincial borders without the required paperwork. After being confiscated, animals are brought to Vshine’s shelter, where HSI support helps provide lifesaving medical care, food and rehabilitation, until the dogs and cats find loving homes locally.

Yulin festival

Although dog markets and slaughterhouses exist across China, the slaughter of dogs and cats during the annual summer solstice event in Yulin in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has become a symbol of the immense cruelty of the trade that sadly takes place every day. Initially launched in 2010 by local traders to boost declining sales, the event has faced widespread national and international outrage. Though marketed as a local “festival,” 72% of Yulin’s residents do not regularly consume dog meat. Thanks to efforts by HSI and partner groups, the scale of the event has diminished in recent years. Public displays of slaughter have been restricted, and authorities have cracked down on dog meat advertisements, signaling progress in the fight against the trade.

Legal and legislative progress

Several countries and regions across Asia, including Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and parts of Indonesia, have already banned dog meat consumption. Ending the trade in China is a realistic goal, although progress has been slow. Notably, in 2020, the Chinese cities of Shenzhen and Zhuhai implemented bans on dog and cat meat consumption, and China’s Ministry of Agriculture officially reclassified dogs as companion animals rather than livestock. Local Chinese animal welfare groups continue to advocate for nationwide legislation to ban the dog and cat meat trade. In the future, there is hope that the National People’s Congress will introduce animal welfare laws that will help to bring an end to this trade.

HSI’s partnership with Vshine

Under China’s 2017 Foreign NGO Law, foreign NGOs like HSI must register with the Chinese government and partner with a local organization to operate within the country. Vshine serves as HSI’s official partner, with an active presence throughout China. HSI continues to support Vshine’s campaigns and rescue and advocacy efforts that raise global awareness about the ongoing plight of animals in China caught in this cruel trade.

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